May 19, 2023

WISS Hosts Annual Sports Day

Sports Day at the Western International School of Shanghai (WISS) is an annual event that brings the school community together for a day of friendly competition and athletic fun. Every year, students are divided into different teams based on their grade level and assigned a team color. The teams then compete against each other in a variety of sports and games, culminating in a final relay race.

May 19, 2023

Empowering Students to Lead the Way

At the Western International School of Shanghai, we encourage our students to be active and independent learners and to participate in their process of learning.

We facilitate this experience of students taking ownership of their learning through opportunities for Student-Led conferences, in which students become the leaders of their learning and progress by sharing their achievements and academic progress and reflecting on their own learning.

Apr 28, 2023

Come Learn with us.

At the Western International School of Shanghai, we invite families to participate in learning with their child during our “Come Learn with Us” sessions in the Early Years. During these sessions, the children and their parents learn together as the teachers facilitate learning engagements that target developing specific skills. This targeted development is shared with parents and, at the same time, guides parents with how they can best support the further development of these skills through inquiry at home. 

Apr 25, 2023

International Day and Sundowner

International Day and Sundowner are two hallmark events held annually at the Western International School of Shanghai. These events seek to inspire international mindedness and celebrate our diverse and multicultural community that makes WISS unique. With over 50 nationalities represented as part of the WISS Community, we are truly the most international school in Shanghai.

Apr 25, 2023

Can you imagine a world without art? No driving down the highway with the windows down and the music blaring. No staying up all hours of the night binge-watching your favorite television series. No visits to the Art Gallery to take in your favorite artists. No one to create movies, music, or paint. This doesn't sound like a very stimulating environment, does it?

Some educational philosophies only emphasize the importance of academic studies and that Art is simply a hobby or something we do during our free time. Yes, the academic side of education is vital in the development of our youth, but so are the arts. A report by Americans for the Arts states that students who frequently partake in the arts are four times more likely to be admired for their academic accomplishments than those students who do not.

Apr 14, 2023

The WISS Education rests on four unyielding pillars of learning: Academics, Sports, Arts, and Community Service. At the Western International School of Shanghai (WISS), Arts are essential to our curriculum across our Early Years, Primary and Secondary School. 

The Visual Arts Programme offered at WISS skillfully aligns with the IB curriculum. It focuses on teaching students to critique and reflect on their work and develop analytical and problem-solving skills, which are critical for success in the 21st Century Workplace.

Mar 3, 2023

Educators often refer to the Learning Environment as the Third Teacher. This is evidence of the importance schools place on considering how the environment they create supports learning and teaching.

The learning environment in a school is vital to student's success, both in the classroom and beyond. Schools that implement effective learning environments help foster a sense of belonging, respect, and confidence. A positive learning environment allows students to feel comfortable and safe and focus on their studies. It also helps create an engaging atmosphere for teachers and students, encouraging collaboration, communication, and respect for one another.

Feb 24, 2023

Celebrating literacy is an important way to recognize the power of reading and writing in improving people’s lives.  Celebrations of literacy can take many forms and can happen on a variety of scales. At the Western International School of Shanghai we celebrate literacy every day but once per year we dedicate an entire week focused on literacy. The WISS Book Week is a school-wide celebration consisting of various activities that promote literacy. The week encompasses parent reading sessions, Book Swap Stations, Door Decoration, Snuggle Up and Read Day, and Character Dress-Up Parade, all inspired by favorite authors and books.

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Shanghai, PRC, 201702


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